Frameworks and Compliance

Meet the Requirements of an Ever-Changing Landscape

Building a comprehensive approach to compliance is crucial in a rapidly changing regulatory landscape.

It is vital for companies to develop a detailed vision of their corporate security program, including the design and implementation of the appropriate governance structure, roles, and responsibilities. 

We also help our clients identify and mitigate potential cybersecurity risks introduced through third-party relationships. 

In response to the fast-paced and complex regulatory landscape, we also provide security compliance program modeling and design, review, and implement compliance processes, policies, and procedures.

Our Frameworks and Compliance Capabilities

Manage risk effectively with a proactive approach to cybersecurity governance that focuses on protecting critical business infrastructure while preventing and reducing the impact of cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity Governance

Manage risk effectively with a proactive approach to cybersecurity governance that focuses on protecting critical business infrastructure while preventing and reducing the impact of cyberattacks.

Maturity Assessment

Assessment of the organization according to globally recognized security frameworks and standards. Analyze processes and procedures, identify gaps and opportunities for improvement, and have recommendations for measures and best practices to raise the score and maturity in information security – whether IT or OT environments.

Regulatory Compliance

Collaborate with us and ensure that your business is compliant with regulatory standards in accordance with state, federal, and international laws and regulations for relevant operations.

Global Service Capability

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